Volodymyr Zelensky and his government on Dmytro Kotsyubaylo : "Legendary DaVinci, commander of the Right Sector’s 1st Separate Assault Company, awarded the title Hero of Ukraine"

, par  John Groleau
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Dmytro Kotsyubaylo, membre du Pravy Sektor (Secteur Droit) - formation d’extrême-droite -, a reçu la plus haute distinction d’Ukraine des mains de Volodymyr Zelensky le 1er décembre 2021.
Ci-dessous, deux reportages-vidéo diffusés par tsn.ua, média appartenant à Ihor Kolomoisky.
La ministre des anciens combattants de l’Ukraine, Yulia Laputina, a félicité Dmytro Kotsyubaylo. Cette dernière avait visité la base du Pravy Sektor en juillet 2021.

Capture d’écran, site du Ministère ukrainien des anciens combattants. Cliquez sur l’image pour accéder au site.

Ci-dessous, copie de l’article présent sur le site du Ministère ukrainien des anciens combattants. Son titre : « Легендарному “ДаВінчі”, командиру 1-ї окремої штурмової роти ДУК “Правий сектор”, присвоєно звання Героя України »

La traduction en anglais ci-dessous de cet article a été réalisé par le site zmi.st le 1er décembre 2021 :

« Minveterans : Legendary DaVinci, commander of the Right Sector’s 1st Separate Assault Company, awarded the title Hero of Ukraine

Today, on December 1, Minister of Veteran Affairs of Ukraine Yulia Laputina has congratulated Ukrainian Defender – commander of the 1st separate assault company of the Volunteer Ukrainian Right Sector Corps Dmytro Kotsyubaylo (call sign “DaVinci”) on being awarded the title Hero of Ukraine and awarded the “Golden Star”.

The decree “On conferring Dmitry Kotsyubailo the title Hero of Ukraine” was signed by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on November 30 and handed over solemnly today during the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

After the awarding, Dmytro Kotsyubaylo visited the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs of Ukraine and talked to Minister Yulia Laputina.

“On the initiative of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs our outstanding Defender – Dmytro Kotsyubaylo – was awarded the title Hero of Ukraine ! A living Hero of Ukraine ! We are very proud ! Your movement is real, you have survived and continue to defend Ukraine. You are young people, but you have done a lot for our country, and now you are making modern history of Ukraine. The country needs people like you. This is a signal to Ukrainian guys, who are defending the country. It is very symbolic for the future generation,” said Yulia Laputina while speaking to the Hero of Ukraine.

The Minister also noted that now veteran policy is a priority in the state, because for the first time the most important activities of the Ministry of Veterans have formed the basis of the Government’s Priority Action Plan for 2021, which the Ministry’s team is already implementing.

Dmitry Kotsyubaylo thanked Yulia Laputina for congratulations. He noted that this award is a distinction for the whole “Right Sector”, for all the guys who have fought and continue to fight along with it, a recognition of all that they have done for Ukraine in previous years.

“Yes, it can be hard for us, we have gone through a lot of battles, we have overcome many challenges, but today, in the eighth year of the war, we continue to do our job,” said the Hero of Ukraine.

Dmytro Kotsyubylo also thanked Yulia Laputina for visiting the base of the “Right Sector” in July this year, for talking to the warriors and presenting certificates of combat participant to 16 volunteers.

“I want to thank you and your team for coming to us in June, seeing that we are sincere ordinary people and believing in us,” said DaVinci.

Reference. Dmitry Kotsyubaylo with the call sign “DaVinci” is the commander of the 1st separate assault company of the Right Sector DUK. He was an active participant in the Revolution of Dignity. At the beginning of the Russian armed aggression he went to the front line to defend Ukraine. Dmitriy was 18 years old at the time.

In 2014, he commanded a volunteer platoon, in 2015 he became a company commander. He took part in operations to liberate Karlovka, Peski, Avdeevka, in battles near Stepanivka, Savur-Mohyla, Starognativka, and the Almazy position.

In the autumn of 2014, during fighting in Peski, Donetsk region, Dmitriy was seriously wounded. However, a few months after rehabilitation, he returned to the front line, where he continues to serve to this day.

In 2017 he received the non-governmental volunteer award “People’s Hero of Ukraine”. »

Yulia Laputina for visiting the base of the “Right Sector” in July 09, 2021 :
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